Open letter to reporters without Borders, the two Somaliland channels, SBS and SOM-News were hired to commit propaganda and provocation against Somaliland Sovereignty

All over the world, media plays an important and powerful part in every country. However, these two TV channels were hired to spoil the image of Somaliland which the international community labelled as an island of peace in a region whereby hostility is ongoing over decades like the neighbouring Somalia. It is unfortunate that to reporters without Borders have condemned the arrest of SBS and SOM-News journalists without digging the case of their arrest which is like someone speaking an issue that he did know its background. This reminds me an Arabic film titled the witness who never eye witnessed the issue who was called to become witness or did not know the background the issue who was called to become a witness. This film was acted by famous Egyptian comedian Adel Imam. These two TV channels were hired to broadcast news coverage which is against Somaliland Sovereignty.  They were hired by enemies of Somaliland to give bad picture about Somaliland.

We cannot call this type of provocation as free media expressions when reality is to make commit violence, unrest, demonstrations, propaganda, and provocation against the Sovereignty of Somaliland. These two TV channels broken the ethics of journalism by instigate bad image against about Somaliland which is different the reality on the ground in Somaliland. There is no country in the world whereby journalists have right to commit unrest and demonstrations.    There is no country in the world whereby local journalists and the country’s external enemies have common interest. These two channels become the local voice of Somaliland external enemies.  These two channels have extended helping hand in favour of Somaliland external enemies. They become loyal to Somaliland external enemies. These two channels are biased against territorial integrity. Neutral   media should present their news in an unbiased way to allow viewers to form their own views, but unfortunately, this is not the case of these two TV channels as these two TV channels are agents of Somaliland external enemies. These two TV channels have disregarded the voice of 99 % of local population, but broadcasted few boys, few women and few girls hired by Somaliland external enemies.

These two TV channels have broadcasted political news intended to give bad picture about Somaliland which is different the reality in the ground. These two TV channels became the mouth tongue of Somaliland external enemies. Most stories have at least two sides, but these two channels reports, propaganda, provocation against the Sovereignty of Somaliland. They are not independent voices, but agents of Somaliland external enemies. These two TV channels never abide professional code of ethics.  Media ethics and codes and canons provide journalists the right to be hired by country’s external enemies like the two TV channels. They were intended to harm Somaliland flourishing image. The duty of the journalist is to seek truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues as professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility.  Journalists must strive to serve the public with honesty. The bottom line, no one has right to report propaganda, provocation against Somaliland  Sovereignty as did by these  two TV channels and as a result, to reporters without Borders should dig out why these two channels are banned before condemning Somaliland as truth is louder than propaganda and provocation.

Ismail Lugweyne.


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