Dawlad Aan Bad Lahayn Hadana Raadinaysa Cudud Ciidan Oo Dhanka Badda Ah

Warbaahinta Bloomberg oo arrintan wax ka qortay ayaa isku dayday in ay la taliyaha dhanka ammaanka ee Ra’isal wasaare Abiy arrintan wax ka waydiiso laakiin, may suuro galin uun ka jawaabo telefoonnada ay u direen.



Sida ay baahisay Bloomberg waxay hadda Itoobiya leedahay Machadka tababarrada dhanka Badda oo culuunta Injineernimada iyo farsamada Korontada baro sanadkii ilaa 500 oo qof, islamarkaana doonaya in uu gaadhsiiyo sanadkii 1000 sida laga soo xigtay website-ka Machadka Lake Tana.



Hoggaamiyaha cusub ee Itoobiya waxa uu bishii dhammaatay heshiisyo dhanka dekedaha ah la gaadhay Sudan oo saami ka siinaysa dekedda Port Sudan, Jabuuti oo saami ka siinaysa dekedaheeda iyo Kenya oo dhul ka siinaysa dekedda Lamu.



Hore waxay Itoobiya Saami 19% ah ugu lahayd dekedda Berbera ee Somaliland waxaanay qorshaysay in ay adeegyadeeda dhoofinta iyo wax soo dejinta 30% u isticmaasho dekedda Berbera, halka ay 10% u qorshaysay Port Sudan lana filayo in inta kale ay isticmaasho dekedda Jabuuti sida ay dhawaan baahisay warbaahinta Itoobiya oo bookhday dekedda Berbera.



Damaca cusub ee Itoobiya ku raadinayso cudud ciidan oo dhanka badda ah ayaan la ogayn halka uu ku jahaysan yahay waxaanay hore Somaliland u marti gelisay saldhigga Berbera uu ku leeyahay waddanka Imaaraadka Carabtu.




Landlocked Ethiopia Plans to Build Navy, Prime Minister Says



Landlocked Ethiopia is planning to build a navy, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said during a briefing of the heads of the country’s National Defense Force.

“Following the efforts made to build capacity of our national defense, we built one of the stronger ground and air forces in Africa,” the ruling party-funded Fana Broadcasting Corp. reported Abiy as saying on Friday. “We should build our naval force capacity in the future.”

Two calls to the mobile phone of Abiy’s national security adviser, Abadula Gemada, didn’t connect.

Ethiopia currently has a civilian Ethiopian Maritime Training Institute on Lake Tana. It trains more than 500 marine engineers and electro-technical officers each year and plans to increase this to more than 1,000 officers annually, according to its website.

Abiy’s government in May agreed to develop Port Sudan on the Red Sea and agreed with Djibouti to swap shares in state-owned ports, airlines, and telecommunications. It also agreed to acquire land at Kenya’s Lamu Port for “logistical facilitation,” according to a joint communiqué issued after a meeting between Abiy and Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta.

Earlier this year, Ethiopia took a stake in a port in Somaliland, a semi-autonomous part of Somalia that aspires to statehood and borders Djibouti. Somaliland will host a naval base for the United Arab Emirates.



Souce: Bloomberg


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