Children are being ripped from their families

Dear Oodweynenews reader  – right now, frightened children and babies are being ripped from their parents’ arms, and thrown into cages in overcrowded detention centres.

This is all happening at the US border, due to a new US policy aiming to punish people seeking asylum.

No one should be treated so cruelly. People seeking safety deserve dignity and security

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You’ve probably seen the heart-breaking images of children, separated from their parents, in cages at the US border. They are being held in tent cities and warehouses, in tight quarters, in extreme heat by day and extreme cold at night.

Meanwhile, their family members face being deported back to countries where their lives may be at risk – not knowing if they will see their children again.

How can the United States choose to punish people who have already been through so much? It’s nothing short of torture.


Act now – send an email


Thank you,

Felix Jakens – Head of Campaigns
Amnesty International UK



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